Connecting and Supporting Agencies
The Miami Valley Leave No Child Inside Collaborative serves as a space for agencies that understand the benefits of a connection to nature during childhood. We seek to create connections and share resources to help everyone accomplish their goals and build a community of support for all in this endeavor.
Joining the collaborative is free and open to agencies working to get children outside. ​​
Our Mission
The MVLNCI collaborative engages and empowers our community to make time and create access for outdoor exploration, play and learning.

Miami Valley Leave No Child
Inside Collaborative

Our Vision
Children will be healthier, happier, and smarter through outdoor play, exploration and learning.
Our Values

Value 1
Children need unstructured and imaginative outdoor play; independently, with their families, and with other children.

Value 3
When children have the time and space for nature exploration, they understand they are part of nature and want to protect it.

Value 2
Children have the right to take developmentally appropriate risks in order to grow.

Value 4
Children are happier, healthier, and smarter through nature connection.